Pool Tips

Fall/Winter Pool Tips

  • Run Timer about half the time in the winter. Pools do not need to circulate as much in the winter because algae does not like the cold water. Save some money, turn your timers down. Approximately 4 hours per day unless you’re heating your pool!
  • Acid Washes. They are generally performed between October and March 1st, weather permitting. The reason we drain and acid wash pools in the winter is because the extremely hot temperatures can cause pool surfaces to peel, pop or blister when the outside temperatures are above 90° during the day. It’s best to do the draining between Nov. 1st and Jan 31st when it’s cooler. If you wait too long, which most people do in the spring, all the pool companies are jammed with orders and cannot get to them before summer starts.
  • Preventative maintenance. This is also best done in the winter when pools are not being used. Being “proactive” about preventative maintenance keeps your system running smoothly through the summer. If your system goes down when it’s hot it can turn into a green swamp over night.

Spring/Summer Pool Tips

    • Check your Water Level! Dry, hot days and splashing causes water loss. Nothing will ruin equipment faster than lack of water. Pumps cannot function and water can’t circulate. Water levels should be kept at mid-tile height of your pool.
    • Take toys out of pool. Toys will find skimmer and pool cleaners, causing blockage, restricting water flow.
    • Clean Filters and Clean Cartridges! These need annual acid washing and cleansing by removing the elements from the filter and scrubbing them down. Suntan lotion, baby oils and dirt clogs filters. If the filter is dirty, the pool will not circulate enough and algae will form. We recommend annual cleaning of D.E. and card cartridge filters by taking apart and cleaning the internal filter elements.
    • Make sure to run pump enough. Pools need to circulate and filter much more in the summer months. Timers should be set to run as follows:Summer, 8-10 hours a day

      Winter, 4-6 hours a day Algae will grow if pump isn’t run enough.

    • Keep dogs out of pools as much as possible! Dogs just zap chlorine from pools and dog hair clogs drains, skimmers, pumps and filters.